# text: "This copy of ^0 has been modified by a virus or another program. Please install a fresh copy after determining the cause."
DITL_1410_ME_ Auth Wait.txt
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=389 y1=124 x2=469 y2=144
# text: "OK"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=389 y1=86 x2=469 y2=106
# text: "Cancel"
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x00) enabled
# bounds: x1=385 y1=82 x2=473 y2=110
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=16 y1=9 x2=48 y2=41
# ICON resource ID: 2
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=66 y1=9 x2=477 y2=73
# text: "Authorization for ^product can’t be verified because other protected software is currently authorizing. Please wait till the other software is authorized or click Cancel to quit."
DITL_2000_ME_ Authorize copy?.txt
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=347 y1=141 x2=427 y2=161
# text: "Authorize"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=71 y1=141 x2=151 y2=161
# text: "Quit"
# item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=218 y1=141 x2=322 y2=161
# text: "Demo Mode"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=427 y2=94
# text: "This copy of ^product is not authorized to run on your hard disk. \nTo enable this copy to run on your hard disk without requiring the key diskette, select \"Authorize\"."
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=96 x2=427 y2=128
# text: "Select \"Demo Mode\" to install the software without authorization."
DITL_2001_ME_ Reverify HDI.txt
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=352 y1=102 x2=432 y2=122
# text: "Cancel"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=433 y2=89
# text: "The authorization for ^1 must be reverified at this time. Please insert the key diskette into any available drive. Your hard disk authorization count will not be affected."
# item 2: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=19 y1=9 x2=51 y2=41
# ICON resource ID: 32000
DITL_2002_ME_ Write enable required.txt
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=331 y1=86 x2=411 y2=106
# text: "Cancel"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=411 y2=73
# text: "Your diskette “^3” must be write enabled in order to proceed. Please write enable and reinsert the diskette into any available drive."
# item 2: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=19 y1=9 x2=51 y2=41
# ICON resource ID: 32000
DITL_2003_ME_ Master required.txt
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=334 y1=70 x2=414 y2=90
# text: "Cancel"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=414 y2=57
# text: "Your ^1 key diskette is required at this time. Please insert the diskette into any available drive."
# item 2: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=19 y1=9 x2=51 y2=41
# ICON resource ID: 32000
DITL_2005_ME_ Perform Auth?.txt
# 8 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=341 y1=242 x2=510 y2=262
# text: "Setup Authorization…"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=71 y1=243 x2=151 y2=263
# text: "Quit"
# item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=200 y1=243 x2=304 y2=263
# text: "Install"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=69 y1=37 x2=512 y2=89
# text: "Using the \"^product\" software requires one of your hard disks to be authorized."
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=68 y1=186 x2=516 y2=220
# text: "• If you have an authorized hard disk :\n - select \"Install\" to proceed with the installation procedure."
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=69 y1=98 x2=520 y2=163
# text: "• If none of your hard disks is authorized yet :\n - select \"Setup Authorization\" to go to the authorization process\nor\n - select \"Install\" to install and run the software in demo mode."
# item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=67 y1=8 x2=239 y2=24
# text: "Hard Disk Authorization"
# item 7: PICTURE (0x40) enabled
# bounds: x1=66 y1=23 x2=514 y2=24
# PICT resource ID: 128
DITL_2009_ME_ Install successful.txt
# 2 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=351 y1=102 x2=431 y2=122
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=431 y2=89
# text: "Authorization to run ^product has been successfully installed on “^1”. You have a remaining authorization count of ^2 on your key diskette."
DITL_2010_ME_ Remove successful.txt
# 2 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=351 y1=102 x2=431 y2=122
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=431 y2=89
# text: "Authorization to run ^product has been removed from “^1”. You have a remaining authorization count of ^2."
DITL_2013_ME_ Set auth count successful.txt
# 2 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=351 y1=54 x2=431 y2=74
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=431 y2=41
# text: "Your authorization count on the key diskette has been successfully set to ^0."
DITL_2015_ME_ Set auth token successful.txt
# 2 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=351 y1=54 x2=431 y2=74
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=431 y2=41
# text: "Your authorization access on the key diskette has been successfully updated."
DITL_2017_ME_ Wrong reauth master?.txt
# 7 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=357 y1=194 x2=437 y2=214
# text: "Try again"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=264 y1=194 x2=344 y2=214
# text: "Stop"
# item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=73 y1=194 x2=153 y2=214
# text: "Authorize"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=152 y2=25
# text: "WARNING!"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=29 x2=437 y2=93
# text: "This key diskette was not originally used to authorize this software. If you have more than one key diskette, select “Try again” and insert the correct diskette when prompted."
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=97 x2=437 y2=145
# text: "If the correct key diskette is unavailable, select “Authorize” to authorize this hard disk using an existing count from this key diskette."
# item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=149 x2=437 y2=181
# text: "Select “Stop” to halt the reauthorization process for ^product."
DITL_2018_ME_ Reauth successful.txt
# 2 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=351 y1=102 x2=431 y2=122
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=431 y2=89
# text: "^product has been successfully reauthorized on “^1”. You have a remaining authorization count of ^2."
DITL_2019_ME_ Wrong deauth master?.txt
# 7 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=357 y1=194 x2=437 y2=214
# text: "Try again"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=264 y1=194 x2=344 y2=214
# text: "Stop"
# item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=73 y1=194 x2=168 y2=214
# text: "Deauthorize"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=152 y2=25
# text: "WARNING!"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=29 x2=437 y2=93
# text: "This key diskette was not originally used to authorize this software. If you have more than one key diskette, select “Try again” and insert the correct diskette when prompted."
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=97 x2=437 y2=145
# text: "If the correct key diskette is unavailable, select “Deauthorize” to deauthorize this hard disk without incrementing the count on this key diskette."
# item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=149 x2=437 y2=181
# text: "Select “Stop” to halt the deauthorization process for ^product."
DITL_2020_ME_ Authorize or quit?.txt
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=347 y1=121 x2=427 y2=141
# text: "Authorize"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=254 y1=121 x2=334 y2=141
# text: "Quit"
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=427 y2=76
# text: "This copy of ^product is not authorized to run on your hard disk. Select Authorize to enable this copy to run on your hard disk without requiring the key diskette."
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=76 x2=427 y2=108
# text: "If you don’t wish to authorize now, select Quit to quit ^product."
DITL_2021_ME_ Maintenance or quit?.txt
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=341 y1=134 x2=421 y2=154
# text: "Setup…"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=248 y1=134 x2=328 y2=154
# text: "Quit"
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=421 y2=73
# text: "You are running ^product from the key diskette. Authorized copies can run on your hard disk without requiring this key diskette."
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=73 x2=421 y2=121
# text: "Select Setup to install or remove authorization for any available hard disk. Otherwise select Quit to quit this software."
DITL_2022_ME_ Delete old auths?.txt
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=347 y1=89 x2=427 y2=109
# text: "Delete"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=254 y1=89 x2=334 y2=109
# text: "Cancel"
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=427 y2=76
# text: "Are you sure you want to delete older hard disk authorizations for ^product? Select Delete to delete older authorizations or Cancel to do nothing."
DITL_2104_ME_ Busy.txt
# 1 entries
# item 0: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=13 y1=9 x2=349 y2=25
# text: "^2 ^3…"
DITL_2110_ME_ Volume Select.txt
# 9 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=308 y1=227 x2=388 y2=247
# text: "OK"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=308 y1=192 x2=388 y2=212
# text: "Done"
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=139 x2=289 y2=247
# data: ""
# item 3: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=308 y1=227 x2=388 y2=247
# data: ""
# item 4: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=116 x2=289 y2=136
# CNTL resource ID: 32110
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=9 x2=402 y2=73
# text: "^product will run on any authorized hard disk without requiring the key diskette. You have a remaining authorization count of ^0."
# item 6: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=19 y1=9 x2=51 y2=41
# ICON resource ID: 32001
# item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=72 y1=74 x2=402 y2=106
# text: "You may now install or remove authorization for any available hard disk."